Pokemon Types PageRank

Pokemon Types PageRank
Use PageRank to rank the Pokemon types according to the Type Chart.
Calculate the overall rank of all types.
Use the regular Type Chart directly to calculate PageRank scores.
[('Steel', 0.0454),
('Ghost', 0.0508),
('Fairy', 0.052),
('Poison', 0.0525),
('Electric', 0.0528),
('Fire', 0.0537),
('Normal', 0.0542),
('Water', 0.0549),
('Flying', 0.0553),
('Dark', 0.0563),
('Dragon', 0.0565),
('Ground', 0.0569),
('Bug', 0.0573),
('Fighting', 0.0575),
('Psychic', 0.0591),
('Rock', 0.0611),
('Grass', 0.0616),
('Ice', 0.062)]
Calculate the attack rank of all types.
For each type, build a separate graph by the Type Chart except for its defense (a column in the Type Chart), and only keep its own PageRank score.
[('Ground', 0.0632),
('Fire', 0.0606),
('Rock', 0.0605),
('Ice', 0.0602),
('Water', 0.06),
('Fighting', 0.0582),
('Fairy', 0.0575),
('Flying', 0.0573),
('Steel', 0.0573),
('Dark', 0.057),
('Psychic', 0.0554),
('Grass', 0.0549),
('Electric', 0.0545),
('Ghost', 0.0526),
('Poison', 0.052),
('Bug', 0.0518),
('Dragon', 0.05),
('Normal', 0.0484)]
Calculate the defense rank of all types.
For each type, build a separate graph by the Type Chart except for its attack (a row in the Type Chart), and only keep its own PageRank score.
[('Steel', 0.0467),
('Ghost', 0.0485),
('Fairy', 0.0525),
('Normal', 0.0537),
('Poison', 0.0538),
('Dragon', 0.0538),
('Electric', 0.0542),
('Fire', 0.0554),
('Flying', 0.0558),
('Water', 0.0564),
('Bug', 0.0574),
('Ground', 0.0575),
('Fighting', 0.058),
('Dark', 0.058),
('Psychic', 0.0606),
('Rock', 0.0618),
('Grass', 0.0634),
('Ice', 0.0638)]
Calculate the Inverse Battle rank of all types. Note that the rank is not the direct reverse of the regular mode.
All the values in the Type Chart are converted from [2, 1, 0.5, 0] to [0.5, 1, 2, 2] respectively.
[('Ice', 0.0471),
('Psychic', 0.0511),
('Normal', 0.0516),
('Bug', 0.053),
('Fighting', 0.0532),
('Rock', 0.0535),
('Grass', 0.0538),
('Ground', 0.0539),
('Dark', 0.0539),
('Flying', 0.0553),
('Dragon', 0.056),
('Ghost', 0.0561),
('Fairy', 0.0563),
('Electric', 0.0566),
('Water', 0.0581),
('Poison', 0.0585),
('Fire', 0.0603),
('Steel', 0.0716)]